For Mini Certifications ONLY!!
Handler Name & Cert. Paid For


There are two ways to join the USPCA.  The first is to click “here” to be forwarded to the National website to electronically submit the application.  Once your application is electronically submitted, you will be forwarded to PayPal for payment information.

The second way to apply for membership is to print a copy of the Membership Application, fill it out, and mail the application with a check to the address listed at the bottom of the application.  Applications without payment will not be processed.

There are several different memberships offered by the USPCA.  Each membership is detailed in our By-Laws.

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP:  Regular membership to this Association shall be open to any active full time paid law enforcement officer, either Federal, State, County or Municipal, who is a canine handler, trainer or administrator, pending approval of Regional Elected Officers. This shall include members of the Military Police who may be either canine handlers, trainers or administrators.

  • A regular member to this Association who retires while being in good standing, or is no longer a canine handler, trainer or administrator, shall retain the benefits of the Association with the exception of holding National Office or Regional Presidency.
  • Only regular members of the Region are eligible to hold office on the Executive Board.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP:  An associate membership may be held in the Association under the following conditions:

  • A person who trains canines for an established Law Enforcement Agency.
  • A retired full time paid Law Enforcement Officer, either Federal, State, County or Municipal, who was a canine handler, trainer or administrator who was not a member at the time of his/her retirement, pending the approval of the Regional Elected Officers. This shall include members of the Military Police that may be retired canine handlers, trainers or administrators.
  • Associate membership must have the approval of the Regional Elected Officers.
  • Associate membership shall have voting privileges but cannot hold Regional or National Office.

HONORARY MEMBERSHIP:  An honorary membership may be bestowed on a person for distinguished or meritorious acts in the field of canine service. The person must be well recommended. Honorary members shall be voted on at a regular membership meeting by a majority of the members present.

SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP:  There shall be a special membership to the USPCA. These members shall be any persons so designated by the Regional Executive Board. They shall hold no office or have any voting powers, but will abide by all other bylaws, rules and regulations of this Association.

  • A special member shall be liable for dues and assessments. He may attend the regular meetings and be heard at the discretion of the President. He may not vote or have any other privileges that pertain to a full membership in the Association.