December 1, 2024
Meeting held via Zoom
Called to order by the President at 1:04 pm
Moment of silence
The Secretary swore in new officers: Amanda Cummings, V.P. Southeast and Ryan McLaughlin, Alt. Trustee.
Roll call: All present except Past President Jose Bosque and Trustee Wayne Gulsby.
Treasurer Report: Current balance is $31,408.56. It was discussed going to Quick Books for book keeping but was decided to stay where we are. Chad advised our current system will be an easy turn over to a new Treasurer. Motion to accept the Treasurer report made and passed.
Secretary Report: Motion made to accept the previous meeting minutes was made and passed. Currently at 344 members. So far this year we have conducted 17 mini certifications and certified 138 K-9 teams. We still have 4 mini certifications scheduled for 2024. The Therapy Dog concept is continuing to thrive. Motion was made to accept the Secretary report was made and passed. Many thanks to Past President Jeff Barrett for his involvement with our “mass email” system.
Report of Officers: Trustee Roy Parker requested the Treasurer report be emailed to all Trustees Board agreed. Roy also inquired as to when the hotel information would be made public. Between the Board and Roy, it was agreed the host for the 2024 Regional will make reservations for Judges and Score Keepers. Roy Parker also asked for the Score Keeper at the Regional furnish score sheets to scoring judges.
V.P. Cummings is recruiting Palm Beach County for P.D.1 Members.
V.P. Dudley asked for approval for a P.D.1 certification in the Panhandle after the first of the year. Motion made and passed.
V.P. Central advised things are going well for the upcoming Regional in Lakeland, Fl.
President Peterman advised he would contact Fairhope P.D. to see if they were still interested in hosting the Regional in 2026.
President Peterman urges Region One members to support Herb Bennett for National President and said the Region needs to use all of our resources to support Herb Bennett.
President Peterman reviewed the National Board meeting. There was much discussion on the coming rule changes and the Board agrees the rule changes will not be good for P.D. 1 membership.
Secretary asked for prayers and thoughts to go out for Russ Hess who is in the hospital.
Roy Parker asked the Score Keepers attend Judges meeting.
Motion to adjourn