U.S.P.C.A Region One
Winter Board Meeting
Held remotely on 12-7-22
Call to order:
President called the meeting to order at 2:07 pm. The President called for a moment of silence for all fallen Comrades.
Roll Call:
All present with the exception of James Nichols, Andrew Weiman, Roy Parker, and Susan Rogers.
Treasure Report:
Currently we have $21,593.30 in our account. A motion was made by Ron Bowling and seconded by Jose Bosque to remove Roman Jackson, Clay Smith. Jason Land, and William Weakley from our Regional Trial account and add Amanda Cummings to the account. Motion passed.
Motion made by Ron Bowling and seconded by Becky Schreiber to approve the Treasure report. Motion passed.
Secretary Report:
We have 266 current members, and increase from past years. Secretary will furnish Susan Rogers a list of Regional certified Judges on December 15, 2022, as directed by the Board.
Report of Officers:
V.P. Dudley inquired about having score keepers attend the Board meetings. A P.D.1 mini certification coming after the first of next year.
V.P. Cory Bowling mentioned a mini certification in Tampa on 12-3-22.
New Business:
The President updated the Board on the progress for our Regional Certification in March. Also mention the Retired Police Dog Organization.
Motion to adjourn made by Chad Whitaker and seconded by Jose Bosque. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:47 pm.