CALL TO ORDER: 9:09 am
ROLL CALL: All present except V.P. Southeast Andrew Weiman and Trustee Becky Schreiber. Past President Jose Bosque attended via phone call.
TREASURE REPORT: $29, 519.61.
SECRETARY REPORT: Ms. Sarah Rogers. 215 members. Paperless renewals. 222 certifications in the Region for 2020. Use National web site. Submission for cases of the quarter. Change in Judge and Trainer applications. Discussion on elections.
Roy Parker: Changing the way he is selecting Judges.
Jose Bosque: Recommended increasing Judge’s travel from $.25 to $.50 per mile round trip. Motion Made by Jose Bosque and seconded by Cory Bowling, passed; effective on the next certification.
OLD BUSINESS: Who to send to National Detector Trials? Send the top two from 2020 and the top two from 2021.
NEW BUSINESS: The T.T. case: Panhandle Deputy terminated from employment. President Peterman appointed an ethics committee with instructions to report back to the Board.
GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION: Region One Hall of Fame nominations will be reduced to one (1) per year. Motion made by Jim Nichols and seconded by Cory Bowling to change the voting procedures from mail-in ballots to a “show of hands vote”, passed.
President Peterman formed an Ethics committee consisting of Regional Trustees with Ryan Back as Chairman.
Terry Schoenborn addressed the Board. He expressed his admiration for Region One and announced his retirement from judging. He hopes he will be invited to the National P.D.1 Trials in North Carolina and finish his carrier of almost sixty (60) years as strong as he started.
Adjourned at 10:11 am