Region One Executive Board meeting
Lakeland, Florida 12-3-19
Meeting was called to order by President Peterman at 9:07 am.
Moment of silence
Roll call of Officers: All present except V.P. Southeast Andrew Weiman and Trustee Wayne Gulsby. Trustee Susan Rogers was present via speaker phone.
Treasurer report: Treasurer Chad Whitaker furnished all Trustees with a copy of the spread sheet outlining transactions since the last meeting. Whitaker advised our current balance was $16,571.27. Motion was made by Roy Parker and seconded by Jim Nichols to accept the report. Passed.
Secretary report: Secretary Ron Bowling advised the current number of members was 230. Bowling asked the Board’s assistance with procuring good phone numbers and email addresses for our members.
Report of Officers: There was some discussion on selecting Judges for our Regionals by Trustee Roy Parker. Parker was advised to use his best judgment. Roy Parker also brought up extending the years of not judging from three to four years before becoming inactive. Parker made the motion and was seconded by Ron Bowling. Passed.
V.P. Southwest Jim Nichols gave us an update on our Regional to be held in Pinellas County in February. All is well. Nichols also brought up changing the criteria for President from being active in canine to a retiree. It was suggested that Nichols draw up a proposal to be forwarded to the National By-Laws Committee.
Old business: Roy Parker advised the Board that one of our two handguns used for blanks needs repair. Parker is going to look for a vender to fix it. It has been suggested the Region reduce the number of days for a Regional. President Peterman tabled the discussion.
New business: The board is looking in to having our Board meeting on conference call or similar methods. Jim Nichols and President Peterman are looking into that. Past President Jose Bosque made a motion for our Board members receive polo shirts with name and title on them. Seconded by V.P. Central Cory Bowling. Passed.
Good of the association: President Peterman insured the Board members present were made aware of the latest proposed changes at the national level sent out by the National Secretary. Jose Bosque made a motion for our Secretary and Treasurer/ web master receive a raise. Seconded by Cory Bowling. Passed. Ron Bowling made a motion to create an award for a lifesaving event or similar case. Seconded by Jim Nichols. Passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Chad Whitaker and seconded by Jose Bosque. Meeting was adjourned at 10:31 am.