Executive Board Meeting Minutes December 2017


DECEMBER 6, 2017



CALL TO ORDER – by President Peterman at 9:10 am


ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT –  All present except for Bob Dudley, Gordon Wing, Harry Barraclough, Wayne Gulsby.


READING OF MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – Motion made to waive by Rob Bowling, 2nd by Jim Nichols.  Passed.


TREASURER REPORT – The audit/review was completed and no issues were found.  Due to the amount in our account, it was decided a team would be sent to Nationals.  Motion made by Roy Parker to accept the treasurer’s report, 2nd by Ron Bowling.  Passed.


COMMITTEE REPORTS  – Judges Committee:  Roy Parker reminded members to send a COPY of the master score sheet from ANY and ALL mini certification or regional certification.

A motion was made to make it mandatory for judges to pay their dues by Dec. 31st of each year to be eligible to judge the following year.  Jose Bosque made motion, 2nd by Ron Bowling.  Passed.

A motion was made by Roy Parker to have all judges, for regionals and mini’s, be elected by the Committee Chair.  The judges will be from Region 1 and selection will be based on geographical availability.  2nd by Ron Bowling.  Passed.


OFFICER’S REPORT  – Aaron Peterman reported the training class that was offered in November had to be cancelled due to a lack of attendees.




UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Jason Potts requested a retest for 8 dogs who failed detector certification at no cost to the region.  Motion was made and approved unanimously. Passed.


NEW BUSINESS – Lake Wales P.D. requested a PD1 mini-cert for 3 dogs before the end of the year.  Motion was made and approved unanimously.  Passed.

Jim Nichols requested a narcotics mini certification for Highlands County on December 28, 2017 for 8 dogs.  Motion made by Ron Bowling, 2nd by Chad Whitaker.  Passed.


GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION – Nominations for the Board will be held at the regional in March, 2018.  Election ballots will be sent out later in the year.



Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 am.

December 2015 Executive Board Meeting


DECEMBER 8, 2015



The election ballots were counted prior to the Board Meeting.  The following members were elected to serve:

President Aaron Peterman

Treasurer Chad Whitaker

Secretary Becky Schreiber

VP SE Gordon Wing

VP SW Jim Nichols

VP N Todd Hays

VP Central Tye Thompson

VP Panhandle Bob Dudley

Trustees:  Roy Parker, Ron Bowling, Harry Barraclough, Cory Bowling, Wayne Gulsby

Congratulations to All!!


The meeting was called to order by President Aaron Peterman at 9:20am

Roll Call of Officers:  All present except for Roy Parker, Harry Barraclough and Wayne Gulsby.

Reading of previous meeting notes.  Motion made to waive by Ron Bowling, second by Jose Bosque.  Passed.


Treasurers Report by Chad Whitaker

The current account balance is $5,696.10

A lengthy discussion was had concerning the cost of our Trials.  With the cost of judge’s mileage, rooms and trophies we were losing money.  Several options were discussed including forming a committee to assist the hosting agency, removing the rain day, reducing the number of trophies and the awards banquet.

A motion was made by Jose Bosque to reduce the number of judges to 3 on each event, instead of 5.  Second by Jim Nichols.  Passed.

Beginning next year we will be removing the rain day and reducing the number of judges at the trials.


Officers Reports

President:  A rule change was presented submitted by Ted Sealey.  In summary, the rule change was to General Rules and Definitions 3(J) Judges and Judging, where the Judges are not required to explain their scoring, to have in place that Judges will explain their point deductions.  After discussion, it was unanimous to NOT be in favor of this rule change and no support of it from Region 1 Executive Board.

Jose Bosque:  Jose brought up an idea to get attendance counts for the Trials by having competition order determined on when registration and payment was received.

Jim Nichols:  Punta Gorda  is making a bid for the 2017 Region 1 Trial.  Ron Bowling made a motion to accept, second by Bob Dudley, passed.

Jim presented information to the Board in regards to the membership of Lazaro Cabrera.  He related that Mr. Cabrera did not meet the guidelines required for membership, in that he was not a current law enforcement officer and some circumstances existed when he left his last employment.  There was also an allegation of “conflict of interest” with his business.  President Peterman assigned Jim Nichols and Jose Bosque to conduct an inquiry into this information prior to renewing Mr. Cabrera’s membership for 2016.

Bob Dudley:  Bob gave a briefing on the status of our Trial this year from Kristen Pond.  She said she had some money in the bank, some meals and raffle donations.  The Chief Judge is Lester David and scorekeeper is Kim David.


New Business

Pinellas County is requesting to hold a Detector Certification.  All Approved.

Tony Lorusso submitted a Trainers Request.  Motion made by Ron Bowling to approve, second by Jim Nichols, passed.


The elected officers were sworn in by Jose Bosque.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am

2015 General Membership Meeting





Call to Order by President Aaron Peterman

Roll Call of Officers Present – All present except for VP SE Gordon Wing

Reading of Minutes from Last Meeting – Motion made by Jose Bosque to waive, 2nd by Bruce Harris, passed.


Treasurers Report by Chad Whitaker – Currently (after checks written after Executive Board Meeting), is $4,633.06


New Business

Jim Nichols presented the information on the Region 1 Hall of Fame. A motion was made by Roy Parker, 2nd by Ray Reinhart, passed.

Aaron Peterman gave information to the membership about our website and the Event Manual for reference in hosting and conducting mini certifications. Walton County Sheriff’s Office submitted a request to host the 2016 Regional Certification Trial. Jim Nichols made a motion to accept, 2nd by Paul Koinig, passed.

Aaron Peterman presented a By Law change to have elected officers hold office for 3 years, rather than 2 years. Motion made by Roy Parker to make the change, 2nd by Jose Bosque, passed.

Aaron Peterman led a discussion on ways to increase membership and participation in the Regional Trial. Encouraged all members to give idea to the Board.


Nomination of Officers

President – Aaron Peterman, motion made by Ron Bowling, 2nd by Jim Nichols, motion to close by Jose Bosque, passed.

VP SE – Gordon Wing, motion made by Aaron Peterman, 2nd by Cory Bowling, motion to close by Chad Whitaker, passed.

VP SW – Jim Nichols, motion made by Jose Bosque, 2nd by Cory Bowling, motion to close by Ron Bowling, passed.

VP N – Todd Hays, motion made by Kristin Pond, 2nd by Michael Knudson, motion to close by Paul Koinig, passed.

VP Central – Tye Thompson, motion made by Jose Bosque, 2nd by Cory Bowling, motion to close by Jose Bosque, passed.

VP Panhandle – Bob Dudley, motion by Roy Parker, 2nd by Jose Bosque, motion to close by Jim Nichols, passed.

Secretary – Becky Schreiber, motion by Todd Hays, 2nd by Ron Bowling, motion to close by Jose Bosque, passed.

Treasurer – Chad Whitaker, motion by Todd Hays, 2nd by Ron Bowling, motion to close by Jose Bosque, passed.


Roy Parker, motion by Jose Bosque, 2nd by Ron Bowling, motion to close by Aaron Peterman, passed.

Ron Bowling, motion by Roy Parker, 2nd by Jim Nichols, motion to close by Chad Whitaker, passed.

Harry Barraclough, motion by Bruce Harris, 2nd by Melissa Harris, motion to close by Michelle Smith, passed.

Cory Bowling, motion by Jose Bosque, 2nd by Chad Whitaker, motion to close by Ron Bowling, passed.

Wayne Gulsby, motion by Kevin Biggs, 2nd by Jason Potts, motion to close by Jose Bosque, passed.


Ron Bowling made a motion to close nominations, 2nd by Paul Koinig, passed.


Motion to adjourn by Bruce Harris, 2nd by Paul Koinig, passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1643 hrs.

March 2015 Executive Board Meeting





Meeting called to order by President Aaron Peterman at 12:00pm

Roll Call of Officers Present: All present except for VP SE Gordon Wing


Last Meeting Minutes was voted to be waived, Motion made by Ron Bowling, 2nd by Jose Bosque. Passed


Treasurers Report

by Chad Whitaker Total funds at this time is $5,648.06. Chad will be looking at a change in banks due to the increase in fees being charged at SunTrust. Motion to accept his report made by Jim Nichols, 2nd by Todd Hays. Passed


Officers Report

Ron Bowling –

A mini certification will be held on April 14th for Polk County SO

Wayne Gulsby – An upcoming mini certification will be held in Escambia County also

Old Business

Roy Parker – He is requesting master score sheets from the mini certifications to review the scores for the Judges Committee.

New Business

Chad Whitaker discussed we have a non-profit Federal Tax Exemption, but not State. He will research the process and cost to become State Exempt.

Aaron Peterman presented information concerning elections and the positions to be up for reelection this year. He discussed the motion to have all positions be put on the same rotation, thus having all position re-elected in 2016. Motion made by Jose Bosque, 2nd by Jim Nichols, passed.

Harry Barraclough discussed increasing the term limits to 3 years rather than 2 years. He made the motion, 2nd by Jose Bosque, passed.

This will be a bylaws change and forwarded to Maria for changes on the website.

Aaron Peterman presented a discussion on Trial attendance. Discussion was held regarding the Spring Trials and the number of mini/district certifications. Many ideas were discussed to boost membership and attendance, some of which to continue having the Spring Trial, along with each VP hosting a mini in their area of the State, shortening the trial days and offering FDLE certification at the same time, limiting it to 3 Judges, instead of 5, hospitality room not as elaborate, and meeting with Chiefs and Sheriffs to get their input. Aaron formed a committee to look at all these ideas and have a presentation at the next Board Meeting. Jose Bosque will head this.


Good of the Association

Jim Nichols presented a proposal to have a Region 1 “Hall of Fame”. This would be to recognize members who have gone over and beyond the ordinary to benefit Region 1. He suggested a committee made up of non-members and a subject matter expert to determine who would qualify for this honor. Ron Bowling made a motion to move forward with this and Jim Nichols to head the committee to set criteria, Jose Bosque 2nd, passed.

Cory Bowling, By Laws Committee, would assist.


Motion to close by Jim Nichols, 2nd by Jose Bosque, passed. The meeting concluded at 1310 hrs.

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