DECEMBER 6, 2017
CALL TO ORDER – by President Peterman at 9:10 am
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT – All present except for Bob Dudley, Gordon Wing, Harry Barraclough, Wayne Gulsby.
READING OF MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – Motion made to waive by Rob Bowling, 2nd by Jim Nichols. Passed.
TREASURER REPORT – The audit/review was completed and no issues were found. Due to the amount in our account, it was decided a team would be sent to Nationals. Motion made by Roy Parker to accept the treasurer’s report, 2nd by Ron Bowling. Passed.
COMMITTEE REPORTS – Judges Committee: Roy Parker reminded members to send a COPY of the master score sheet from ANY and ALL mini certification or regional certification.
A motion was made to make it mandatory for judges to pay their dues by Dec. 31st of each year to be eligible to judge the following year. Jose Bosque made motion, 2nd by Ron Bowling. Passed.
A motion was made by Roy Parker to have all judges, for regionals and mini’s, be elected by the Committee Chair. The judges will be from Region 1 and selection will be based on geographical availability. 2nd by Ron Bowling. Passed.
OFFICER’S REPORT – Aaron Peterman reported the training class that was offered in November had to be cancelled due to a lack of attendees.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Jason Potts requested a retest for 8 dogs who failed detector certification at no cost to the region. Motion was made and approved unanimously. Passed.
NEW BUSINESS – Lake Wales P.D. requested a PD1 mini-cert for 3 dogs before the end of the year. Motion was made and approved unanimously. Passed.
Jim Nichols requested a narcotics mini certification for Highlands County on December 28, 2017 for 8 dogs. Motion made by Ron Bowling, 2nd by Chad Whitaker. Passed.
GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION – Nominations for the Board will be held at the regional in March, 2018. Election ballots will be sent out later in the year.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 am.